Processing of Short Slips

A short slip is basically a short term loan for the customer. Short Slips are used for both municipal and state transactions, but are more commonly used for motor vehicle transactions by users of the Motor Vehicle MAAP Module within Avitar Clerk/MV. (Municipalities using the Motor Vehicle Browser Module within Avitar Clerk/MV may still want to issue municipal Short Slips in the Avitar Clerk program but should contact the State DMV for information about issuing state Short Slips.) Below are answers to several common questions about Short Slips.


Why do we need to use a Short Slip tender type?

It is useful and more convenient for your customer to pay once for all transactions than separately for each. Unfortunately, the State MAAP system will not allow two transactions in one cart that have the same VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). So, the most common scenario for issuing Short Slips occurs when a customer needs a certified copy of a registration in order to then process a transfer. The certified copy transaction is processed first by issuing a Short Slip tender type at fee settlement. That will finalize the cart. Next, when you process the second transaction (within a new cart) the system will recognize the existing Short Slip (a.k.a. short term loan) when you advance to fee settlement and adds the amount due to the current cart to be collected all at once.


Note, if you are a One Check MAAP client, fee settlement will display the City Payment tab and a State Short Slip tab. To create a short slip for both the municipal and state fees, select the State Short Slip payment tab and from the Payment method drop down box, select Short Slip. Enter the amount due for the State portion only. When you issue a State Short Slip, you must enter a reason into the Credit/Short Comment text box. Next, select the Town Payment tab and from the Payment Method drop down box, select Short Slip. Enter the amount for the Town portion only and click Pay to complete the transaction.


What are some other uses for Short Slip tender type?

Some municipalities find Short Slips useful to pay for municipal shortages like, for example, when a vehicle registration renewal form is mailed with a personal check written for twenty cents ($0.20) less than the amount due. The shortage can be paid with a Short Slip tender type on the municipal payment tab and fee settled. At this point a correspondence can be sent requesting the shortage from the resident or the municipality can write off the small balance.


How do I write-off a municipal Short Slip?

To write off a municipal Short Slip go to Utilities | Short Slip Maintenance. You can search Short Slips by Last Name/Business Name and by status (e.g. all, unpaid, paid/written off). Once you have located a particular Short Slip and the correct name is displayed, click Write Off and enter the reason for the write off.


Is there a report of Short Slips?

Yes. To see the report go to Reports | Short Slips. The report can be customized to show detail or a summary in a range of dates to include either a single name or the status of the short slip.


Are Short Slips with amounts due transferable to a different owner?

Yes. To do so simply go to Utilities | Short Slip Maintenance. The amount due can be transferred to another owner by selecting the people icon and searching for the name of the person to whom the balance should be transferred. The transferred Short Slip is logged in the system and accessible in a report labeled Audit Transactions (go to Reports | Audit Transactions).


Why would I transfer the Short Slip to a different owner?

Let’s say Mary Smith lost her registration and needs a certified copy. At the same time she wants to renew her husband’s vehicles. You would process the certified copy and pay it with a Short Slip. You then process her husband’s renewals. If you did not transfer the Short Slip into Mary’s husband’s name it will not display at fee settlement because the first transaction in the cart is under the husband’s name and the Short Slip is under Mary’s name.